LittleBig Bike Review

A very unique design and application, the LittleBig Bike successfully does what others have struggled with, a top notch convertible balance-to-pedal bike. Balance Bikes have called into question the use of stabilizers/training wheels for good reason, they are simply a better way to learn. The LittleBig capitalizes on this by providing a single platform that...

Shhhhhhh! I ride an e-bike

Amongst mount bikers, the e-bike debate rages in social media and the interweb. There are valid concerns of trail access that have taken years and sometimes decades to achieve. This article deals with none of that…My intent here is to give you my experience where e-bikes make a lot sense: commuting and cargo. Replacing automobile...

Woom 2 Review

Like the other Woom bikes we have tried, the Woom 2 exceeded our expectations. Woom thinks of everything in this 14 inch wheel design and the details shine. Light weight and fantastic beginner/upright geometry make this an ideal pedal bike for 3 or 4 year olds learning to pedal. With such a bike, transitioning from...

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