It's a good time to be a 4-6 year old bike rider. Woom has entered the European and North American markets with a line of fantastic bikes. The attention to detail on these bikes is second to none. They have really taken the time to design and manufacture bikes that we could only have dreamed of when we were kids. From geometry to parts and accessories, everything is built for kids specifically. The $369 USD price of the bike may deter some people but we discussed the resale value of quality bikes in an earlier post and encourage parents to make the investment in a good bike if the cash is available. Woom was kind enough to send us out this beautiful red Woom 3 to demo for this review.
Woom 3 Details:
- Intended Age- 4 to 6
- Weight- 13 lbs
- Height Fit- 41 to 47 inches
- Features- Alloy frame and parts, small diameter grips, sealed bearings, free wheel, short reach brake levers, kickstand and bell
- MSRP- $369 USD
- Available at- Woom Bikes

The Bike Dads' Take:
"The Woom 3 makes bike riding fun. If you want to give your son or daughter the best chance at falling in love with cycling, have a look at this 16 inch offering from a great company. If you like to tinker with mods, spend all your time in the bike park or on trails, this may not be the bike for your kiddo. But, if riding pavement and light trail use is your kid's and family's modus operandi (as is for 95% of us), this is one of the best 16 inch bikes we have seen so far. Any kid will absolutely love riding this amazing bike! So light, a great build and perfect pedalling geometry; this bike will take you and your child to a happy place" -Colin
Hello Colin, thanks for the great review. My son 4 year old has a woom 2 that he has been riding since he was 3. He loves taking it in the neighborhood and we also go on trails during weekends. It’s reached a point where he has started complaining that the bike is not fast enough :). We are on the preorder waitlist for woom 3 and I chanced upon prevelo Alpha two while looking for an alternative. I love the specs and I find positive reviews overall. The only downside i see is the 3ish pounds of extra weight. Would you recommend I wait for the woom3 or get the prevelo instead? Would that 3 pounds make a lot of difference? Anything else I might be missing that’s different between the two?
The Alpha series Prevelo will be better for trail use but for a smaller kiddo the lighter weight of the woom might be beneficial for longer paved rides that include some climbs/Hills. Around the neighborhood, both great.
My 3.5 year is is tearing up the Woom 2. I just got a preorder notification for the woom 3, I was thinking of buying it and leaving in the box due to availability. But that Belter 16 from Early rider looks interesting or the seeker. We ride low elevation basically flat local trails here in Texas. Woom 3 vs Early rider? The Woom 2 is awesome.
Very comparable bikes and both amazing bikes. The lightest two available. Can’t go wrong with either for terrain you described.